Saturday, April 2, 2011

Your Family Tree, or um, Forest.

Why don't more people use protection when having casual sex?  as in sex with someone who you aren't married to.  Abstinence is the only sure way to protect yourself, you partner(s) and your future children, should you have a vaginal birth, from an STI.  It's also the only sure way to prevent an (un)wanted pregnancy. 
Surely I cant be the only person who knows this, can I?   It seems like half the kids that grow up in the generation after ours will be related in some way shape or form.  John's half brother's sister's step brother's sister's half brother's sister is johns step sister.  WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?  Columbus is just gonna be one big fat family tree.  Speaking of family trees...

"Class, today we are going to draw our family tree."  This was one of the things i hated the most in school.  Coming from a girl from a broken home.  My dad had two kids from a previous marriage, then had myself and my sister with my mom, they were married for maybe two years before divorcing, Mom remarried, Dad dated around but remains single.  so, when i drew my tree i got pissed, do i put my half sisters on here? do i put my step dad some where? what about my step-sisters? aunts and uncles, some of them have kids from multiple relationships, what the hell, this is turning into a forest, its suppose to be a family tree, not the Black Forest, teacher i need more paper!!  and of course i was the only one in my class who had a stupid forest.  everyone else had perfect little trees.  assholes.

Yeah, i did have a kid out of wedlock.  two for that matter.  No, I wasn't responsible about taking my birth control pill.  if you knew me at 18, you knew I wasn't the most responsible person in the circle, nor was i the least responsible, but you get the picture.  plus i was in love, the kind of love that would last a life time.  i was determined to marry my high school sweet heart and live happily ever after.  HA, was i ever wrong.  you know the saying, if i knew then what i know now...maybe i would have been more responsible. perhaps i would have listened to those stupid abstinence speeches at the assemblies, but i was young and dumb, and you cant tell teenagers anything, they are invincible.  (by the way, landon saved my life, he made me a better person, he is the reason i am still here today, happy, healthy, and sober)

No, not every family, or every person in this town is like this. i do know plenty of people who are happily married with kids, some are expecting another, some use protection, and some have undergone medical procedures to prevent conception.  with that said i cant help but notice that more and more people in this town are having un-protected, irresponsible, sex.  What is so hard about taking you're pill and wearing a condom, or using spermicide and a diaphragm.  Maybe the pill's not for you, there are other option, and no matter the birth control method you choose you should always use a back up method, especially in casual sex.  Same goes for you boys.  just because she says she's on the pill doesn't mean she takes it religiously.  It is your responsibility to protect yourself.  the pill doesn't protect against HIV or STI's.

It just makes me sick to hear about all of these babies that will be born into broken homes.  It didn't work out with the the first baby momma or baby daddy, what makes you think it will work out with the next one?  Learn from your past, chances are it wont work out. I take full responsibility for having not one, but two kids out of wedlock.  I learned from my past.  I am engaged to be married this fall, and I am proud to say that my fiance and I are responsible when it comes to our intimate life.  We do plan to have more children in the future, but not before the wedding, and because we don't want to conceive before the wedding we use protection every time.  We will continue to use protection, even after we are married, until we as a couple are ready to expand our family.  We as a married couple will use a condom every time we have sex, until we as a married couple are ready.  Why can't the rest of you do this?  Or were you intending on planting a forest of children?

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